If you have a device that serves as an electronic reader, Wesley Chapel Elementary has a library full of eBooks just waiting to be checked out!  From axis360, find our school and download the app to keep our eBook collection at your fingertips.  In order to read a book, your child’s WCES student number and  the axisReader app are required.  Both apps and all books are free.  Books can be checked out for up to 14 days.  Click on the icon below to the link to get started.  Remember, you will not be able to check out successfully or read the books from a computer.  You will need a reading device with the two apps.  There are lots of genres and titles – all levels.  Search around this weekend.  Read a book or two.  We need some expert students to be able to come back on Monday and help other Wildcats get started on a reading frenzy.
