Safety First

A letter was sent home in the beginning of the year outlining the procedures for “Car Rider Pick-Up” line.  Now that we are a few weeks into first quarter and new families have joined our school, we are presenting them again as a friendly reminder...

Market Day Is Back

Market Day is back.  Puma Business Club is running the show.  With Market Day, the students are learning all the necessary steps to run a successful fundraiser.  Fliers will be going home next week.  Please take a look at the delicious items Market Day has to offer. ...

Approved Volunteers Needed

Health screenings are coming up on Tuesday September 16th from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm.  If you are an approved volunteer, we need your help.  Please contact Mrs. Berry if you are able to come in and assist us on Tuesday.  If you want to volunteer in the future and...

National Manga Math Champions

These three students competed  in the National Manga High Math Challenge.  They placed in the top TEN students nationally- for most completed math problems during the challenge.  Sleep was not a factor for them.  Congratulations boys- on rising to the challenge and...

Fall Fundraiser Event

We kicked off our Fall Fundraiser Event today.  Cookie dough order sheets were sent home along with a LOVE Reusable Bags catalog.  We are planning to earmark the proceeds from these two sweet fundraisers to keep up with our growing technology needs and web-based...

Wildcat Fruit and Vegetable Garden

Coach Gorman’s project – to jump-start the 2014-2015 Wildcat Garden is up and ready for support on DonorsChoose.  Each year, the Wildcat Garden has created many learning opportunities for all grade levels at WCES.  We love to watch our garden (and...