April is a very busy month for the Wildcats! Below is a run-down of dates you might need to know. FCAT Testing is just around the corner. Remember it will be a quiet campus on all testing dates, so please don’t plan to eat lunch outside with your child on those days. Some simple tips to help your child include: plan a good night’s sleep, provide a healthy breakfast, offer encouraging words, and ensure your child is at school every day on time and prepared to do his/her best. Rest assured, our Wildcats are ready to rock.
April 11: Donuts With Dad (9:00 am in the cafeteria)
April 11: Last day for Spring Book Fair at school (order on-line until the 18th – click here)
April 14: GO FOR THE GOLD! iReady challenge ends
April 14 – 17: FCAT testing, grades 3 – 5 (quiet campus)
April 18: No School
April 21 -22: FCAT testing, grade 5 (quiet campus)
April 23: SAT testing, grade 2 (quiet campus)
April 30: Tropicana Speech – School Competition- grades 4-5
April 30: Progress Reports go home
May 8: PE Exercise Logs are due